Sunday, January 25, 2015

Samuel at 2.

I know I've said this before, but I don't think I ever comprehended how much I could love one little person until Samuel came along. Sometimes it still amazes me. When I look at him or cuddle him or play with him or have a silly conversation with him, I am in total awe of how this little guy has captured my heart so completely and how lucky I am to get to be his mom.

Now, don't get me wrong, he throws his fair share of hardcore 2-year-old tantrums that make me question why I ever had a child in the first place. But 90% of the time it's the mushy-gushy-I-love-him-so-flippin-much stuff.

Anyway, I'm going to try these next few days to record a little taste of Samuel as he's turning 2.

Here's a sample of an "interview" I did with him the other day.

C: How old are you going to be this week?

S: See-yule Yates!

C: No, how old? What number?


C: That's right!! And what's your favorite number?

S: TWO! Sev-uh. hahaha. Nooooo.

C: You're so silly. What's your favorite color, Samuel?

S: Purple! Red! Blue! Reeeeed! Color color! Shapes?

C: Okay, what's your favorite shape?

S: Square! Suh-Cull! Ti-gle!!

C: Those are good shapes! What kind of food do you like to eat?

S: Nuh-nuh.

C: Banana or nuggets? (I'm never sure which he means).

S: Yes! Olaf Book? Nooo! No eat book. Hehehehe. (but he does eat books. Crazy kid).

C: Is Olaf your favorite book?

S: Olaf book! Hop on Pop! George? Baby Moses!

C: And what's your favorite show?

S: Show! Watch show! Peeeeasse!

C: But what's your favorite?

S: Cars! Mater! Thomas? Shapes! Cars! Show show show!

C: One more question. What song do you like to sing?

S: Car song? Eyes! Mmmm. ::sings REALLY loudly:: Tinkle tinkle liwle stahhhh!!!

You get the picture. ;-) He's fun! I'm sure I'll have more to share over his birthday week. I can't believe he's going to be 2!

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