Tuesday, April 29, 2014

African Geography (and other nerdy confessions)

I've been playing this jeopardy game on the iPad a lot at night lately. I know, nerdy. (I've also been reading one of my old estate planning books during nap time. I think that trumps the game for nerdiness). In doing so, I have come to realize something: I have no clue where any African country is. Like, if you gave me a map, I could locate Morocco, Egypt, Madagascar, and South Africa. And Djibouti, but that's just because it's pretty much the funniest country in the world (seriously, it's pronounced juh- booty. You know you just giggled inside).

I guess I can't be too disappointed in myself. I know all my state capitals and central and South American countries/capitals and the majority of Europe. That's not bad considering it's been 8 years since I've had a geography class.

 But at any rate, I've decided to be a more responsible world citizen and learn my countries already. I've got about a third of them down so far... Mostly the big ones. The small ones might take a little longer to learn.

I guess I figure if I blog about it (at 11 pm) maybe it will keep me motivated - I have to finish something I start if I tell others about it, right? Perhaps I'll even get all those crazy Asian countries down too... If I'm feeling particularly ambitious. ;)

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