Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just another day...

So it's been awhile.

Normally my lack of blogging can be primarily attributed to my laziness and general lack of interest in technology. This time, however, slothfulness only partially contributed to my long absence. My computer decided to die on me a few weeks back, and has left me quite without a connection to the world. I have been occasionally using Eric's to check facebook and my email and patiently waiting for my new battery to come in the mail in hopes that that would fix the problem. It didn't. So we are trying to find some other way to get all of my pictures and documents off, but I decided I probably needed to break down and just take over Eric's laptop for good. So here I am.

And what wonders have I neglected to post about?

Well, not a lot.

Why? Because we are right in the middle of the most horrendous part of medical school: Step 1 studying. Boo. (In truth, it's not that bad, it just means ALLLLL of Eric's time is spent studying, including weekends, evenings, etc.).

Since Eric has been diligently plugging away at books and questions and practice tests, I've decided to take up a hobby of my own: training for a half marathon. It works out pretty perfectly, because between running 20 miles a week and staying busy hanging out with friends and working and doing church activities, I've occupied my time quite nicely. Hopefully I will keep it up after Eric's done with his test and I can be ready to run by the end of April. We will see!

Sadly, many of the recipes I wanted to try were also listed on my computer as well. This has prevented me from achieving my try-something-new-every-week goal. I'm not *too* far behind, though, and I have done a couple of fun things lately.

Chicken Enchiladas -- I, of course, didn't add olives. I also used flour tortillas, because that was what I had (not the best idea ever). Despite the fact that the tortillas stuck to the pan, they tasted really good! Definitely a recipe I will try again.

I also took on one REALLY BIG meal...

That's right! That $6 turkey I bought back at Thanksgiving finally got roasted! And it was oh-so-good. I'm glad, too, because in case you didn't know, making a turkey is a really, REALLY disgusting process. It's worth it, though, since it makes a TON of leftovers, so I was able to freeze a bunch, plus use some to make sandwiches etc. this week.

I went shopping last weekend in Charlotte and was pretty pumped to finally get myself a wok from Ikea for only $5! I whipped up a nice big batch of stir fry Wednesday night to celebrate.

Eric even took time out to help me cook.

That's right, he's definitely listening to lectures while he stirs.

I was also really excited to find a good deal on a new comforter last weekend, since this little guy
decided to tear up our old one.

It doesn't match perfectly, but I really really like it, and it's sooo comfortable!

Anyway, that's about all. 23 more days...

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