Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Oh sleep, how I love thee.

And how I have NOT been getting any.

Okay, that's not completely true. In actuality, I've been getting 7 hours a night, it's just been broken up thanks to Samuel's sleep regression, which is a REAL THING for anyone who was wondering.

My sweet little sleep-through-the-night-at-2-months-old child suddenly started waking up multiple times a night. Not cool. At first I thought it was because he learned to roll from front to back and couldn't get back. That was part of it. But even after learning to roll the other way, the nighttime wakings have continued. :/ Not to mention that he has been uber-fussy during the day, waking up SCREAMING from naps, and just generally not his normal, happy self. Not a great time to start stay-at-home-mommying!

I did some research, though, and from what I've read, it looks like this is the time when infant sleep becomes more like adult sleep. Circadian rhythms get established, and babies have more periods of deep sleep as to opposed to constant REM cycles. And when they come out of deep sleep, it can scare the living daylights out of them, thus the waking up and freaking out.

Paired with that, a lot of babies (Samuel included) have a growth spurt of sorts at the same time. They not only grow really quickly, but learn a lot of new skills like rolling all over the place, picking objects up off the floor and moving objects from hand to hand, all of which Samuel has learned in the last two weeks. I guess it's probably hard learning that many gross motor skills all at once.

Anyway, long story short, it's been a rough week or so with him. Last night was a lot better (only one wake-up around 4:30) and he's in a much better mood today. Perhaps the growth spurt is coming to an end??

On another note (once again, for my own memory's sake), I also didn't realize that 4 months would mean a lot of changes for me too. In the last two weeks I've suddenly started losing all my hair (a lot of people told me that happened to them around 2 months postpartum, so I thought maybe I'd just skipped it), and also losing the rest of my baby weight (yay!). I haven't even really been working out much since we've been moving, but I've magically dropped 6 pounds while eating pretty un-healthily. Can't complain about that one! I've also had a few days where I felt so crazy hormonal I didn't know what to do with myself. In fact, I actually took a pregnancy test one day to make sure I wasn't pregnant again (I'm not!!)! I thought I was pretty much back to "normal," but apparently my body wasn't quite done with the changes yet.

Anyway, things seem to be stabilizing, and I'm oh-so glad. Next time around (assuming there's a next time!) I'll know what to expect. For now... I think I'll go take a nap. :-)

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