Tuesday, June 4, 2013

4 Months

We had Samuel's 4 month appointment a little late because of our trip. At 4 months, 6 days, Samuel...

weighs 15 lbs. 15 oz. (54%)
is 26 1/2" long (87%)
has a 16" head circumference (15%)

I guess I'm destined to have a tall, tiny-headed son! At least he's cute. :-)

The pediatrician also noted how super-social Samuel is, and how strong and well-balanced he is (maybe because of his little head???) He started "talking" to her as soon as she came in, and tried to stand up the entire time she was there. Such a ham!

Samuel did SO great on our trip to Arkansas. He had trouble sleeping the first night each place we went, but pretty much slept through every night thereafter. The only problem was that he consistently woke up an hour earlier than he does here, and when we moved his bedtime back, he woke up even earlier. Not very vacationy of him.

He was generally happy and fun, though he did get grouchy a few times. However, considering the time change and the fact that he missed WAY more naps than he should have, we couldn't have asked for better!

It was really fun to watch Samuel learn things this week.

The first day of the trip I put a toy bar on his car seat. He stared at it. A lot. I tried to show him how to play with the toys (spin them around, shake them, etc). He just looked. So I just shrugged it off and gave him his rattle and he was happy as a clam. Five days in, I started hearing weird noises in the back seat... It took him a while, but he finally figured out how to work the toy bar. Now he loves it!

He also kind of dropped his yelling thing he'd been doing (well, except for the night we were out with our friends at On the Border. Whoops). Instead, he decided it would be fun to start spitting. Not so much blowing bubbles or doing anything slobbery, just making a spitting noise. He liked the sound. And if anyone would spit back at him, he would go NUTS and start doing his other new thing...

Laughing/squealing. Little man has been attempting to laugh for a while now. We totally know what he means when he makes his weird gulping laugh sounds. But now he's learned how to squeal with delight instead. It's SUCH a cute sound (even if it is really loud!).

The last night of our trip and the two nights since, Samuel has started purposely rolling over from back to front in his crib. Multiple times. It's really fun for him, but, unfortunately, he has to be in the right position to turn himself back over from front to back (i.e. if his arm is in front of him, not under him, he doesn't know what to do). Unfortunately, that's resulted in a lot less sleep for me. He doesn't fuss a whole lot or anything, but I've had to go roll him back over two or three times. Silly kid.
Needless to say, we are doing LOTS of tummy time right now to get some practice!

There's probably a lot more that he's doing right now that I need to note. I figure I'll want to remember all of this later. I'm SO amazed every day at how much this kid has changed in such a short period of time! He really is a miracle!

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