Sunday, December 28, 2014

Baby Talk

Our little Samuel is a wild, hilarious mess of an almost-two-year-old. Or five, six, or nine year old depending on what day it is. He likes to say a different number every time you ask him his age and then laugh at himself because he knows the right answer is two.

Though sometimes when you ask him "How old are you?," he misunderstands and says, "Yates! See-yule Yates!!"

Yes, sadly, "Cecil" is slowly transitioning to something sounding much more like "Samuel." I'm pretty sure I'm the only one disappointed about this. I'm glad he can say his name and all, but I love his little mispronunciations.

Like at Christmas this week, he kept saying "Opit Peese!!" for "Open please."

And he's obsessed with turning things over (including himself) and saying "Uh-sy-dow" (upside down). I've found him the downward dog position multiple times in the last week laughing and saying "uh-sy-dow! See-yule uh-sy-dow!"

He's also fabulous at mispronouncing his grandparents names. Grammy is "Hummy," Gran-Gran is "Guh-guh" and Granddaddy is "Ha heidi." He has Pappy down pretty well though.

He also refers to his teachers, Ms. Katy and Ms. Sharrone, as "Kah-yuh" and "Row."

Samuel can count to 10 by himself now, but 3 sounds something like "tree," 5 is just "fi" and 7 always comes out "se-vuh."

He's also started singing songs other than Twinkle twinkle/ABCs recently. Sometimes I can depict them by the tune. Most of them are just mish mashes of syllables though.

Colors are fun. "Boo," "Reh," "Geeeeee." He does say yellow and purple correctly.

Samuel actually has a LOT of words that he says really well. It's easy for me to forget about those. The last few days he's gotten really into holding his hand out and yelling, "STOP!" then pointing his finger and saying, "GO!!!!!" He thinks it's hysterical.

And, like every toddler, he's learned the word, "Mine!"

He really does make me laugh about 20 times a day. I need to write down more of what he says. New Years Resolution, perhaps?

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