Wednesday, July 2, 2014

17 Month Snapshot

I'm not sure why, but this month felt really really LONG. Probably because it was Eric's last month of intern year (woo-hoo!!) and I've SO been looking forward to him finally having some extra free time to spend with our family and us actually getting to feel like (sort of) a normal couple again. He spent 5 of the last 7 weeks on nights and slept in our guest room when he was home, so we haven't even gotten to sleep in the same bed for practically months.

But enough of that. After weeks that seemed to drag on forever, intern year in D-O-N-E.

Samuel has been a trooper through it all. I feel like he's been improving the last few weeks as far as obedience/staying away from dangerous things goes. Or maybe my attitude has just gotten a little better about it, I don't know. In any case, I'm not feeling as much like "what in the world am I doing?" lately. I'm sure that will change again soon, though. Who really knows what they're doing parenting, anyway?

Anyway, here's a little about Samuel right now:

Talking: He loves to talk and can only say about 10 words really clearly. So he says them over. And over. and over. and over. "Bubble" is his far and away favorite. "Go" has been extremely popular lately too. Of course, "banana" is always a winner. "Shoe" is starting to come out more. "That" and "this", "teddy," "da da," "cat" "ma ma" etc. He's also started going "sssss" for "please." He actually says "eeeese" for "cheese." (That can be a little confusing). "car" comes out a lot now. And there's the classic "all done" and "down." He also makes a few animal noises (moo, baa, and quack), and randomly said the word "turtle" the other day?? Sometimes he really catches me by surprise! Oh yes, and he's super into saying "eyes" "nose" and a not-so-clear version of "ears." And "diaper." Can't forget that one! (he likes to point to his crotch when he says it. Lovely).

Samuel repeats (or attempts to repeat) so much of what we say! Unfortunately, his enunciation is terrible. It makes me laugh. He usually gets the syllables and inflection, but that's about it. He likes to come tell me things -- I usually have no clue what he's saying. He gets pretty upset about it when he's super bent on sharing information with me and I don't understand. It's a little sad, but I know he'll be talking well soon enough. Surely his word explosion is coming soon???

Eating: Pretty much all the time. He seems to be getting pickier, and is pretty into throwing his food on the floor when he doesn't want it or is done. We have been making progress in that he's started putting his food into the little cupholder on his high chair tray instead of throwing it... once it gets full, it's back on the floor though.

Pretty much any fruit is a winner with this guy. He also likes chicken nuggets, anything cheesy, yogurt, milk, and most types of bread. Crunchy peanuts and carrots are also hits. We do beans occasionally as well. Getting veggies in is always a chore with him. I do what I can though. If anyone has any veggie suggestions, let me know!

Reading: We've had a pretty good variety of books circulating around this month. Previously he's really latched on to one or two books at a time, but I feel like we're doing a better job of making the rounds now. It's way less annoying than reading the same thing 20 times in a row!

Playing: Taking all the shoes out of the closet is a current favorite. Blocks, puzzles, and, of course, blowing bubbles (all by himself).

We did swim lessons this month, and little man LOVES being dunked under the water! he can also hold on to the side of the pool by himself, blow bubbles in the water, and splash pretty darn well. ;-)

I don't know if this counts as playing, but Samuel now has a couple of "chores" now... well, as much as a 17 month old can have. He helps me put away toys and pick up food he's thrown on the floor. He also takes Eric a soda every night (in a can) and sometimes the silverware. And he "helps" me sweep. Sweeping is his favorite.

He also loves anything and everything he can climb on. There isn't a playground big enough for this guy!

Sleeping: Naps have been a little iffier lately, but we still get a solid 11 hours at night, so I'll take it. Samuel gets a nap every day, it's just not always as long as I'd like it to be. Sometimes he tries to fall asleep at 11 instead of 1 and then he doesn't want to take a nap when it's actually time. So that's fun. He also has been getting his legs stuck in the side of the crib (over the mesh bumper) occasionally, which leads to a lot of crying. We're working on that though. Overall, I can't complain!

I'm sure there's more I'm leaving out, but it's taken me three days to get this much down, so it'll have to do. ;-) Month 18, here we come!

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