Monday, January 6, 2014

11 Months/Samuel's 1st Christmas

I can't believe this adorable little guy is almost 1!

Month 11 was pretty exciting! After learning to walk around Thanksgiving, Samuel finally gave up crawling about a week and a half before Christmas. It's so funny to watch him toddle around! He still falls on his bottom about 25 times a day, but he always gets right back up and rarely cries about it. 

He did give us a pretty good scare Christmas day. Eric was leaving for work and ran outside to warm his car up. Samuel RAN after him and fell down the stairs on our deck. He had a few nice bumps on his head and a busted lip to show for it, but luckily no real damage done. (He also got hit in the head with a toy at the Y the day after Christmas, so he was pretty black and blue there for a while)! We are DEFINITELY watching him a lot more closely now that we know how fast and sneaky he can be!

Anyway, Samuel's first Christmas was pretty fun, though he certainly had NO clue what was going on! Eric had to work nights over the holiday week. (side bar: I think it was the LONGEST week of nights EVER for both of us. Seriously, I didn't think it would ever end!) So Christmas morning, Eric got in around 7 and went to sleep while Samuel and I just hung out like any other day. After nap time, we went over to our friend Jib's house to bake cookies. Samuel had SO much fun playing with her dogs (and trying to sneak up her stairs!)!

We came home a little after 1 and Eric got up about the time I was putting Samuel down for afternoon nap. We had a small Christmas dinner of ham and corn casserole, then worked on putting together the little bike my grandparents sent.

I think S was pretty confused when we got him up from nap and there were tons of presents. He mainly just wanted to play with the wrapping paper. He warmed up to things eventually though.

It's funny that, despite our getting him relatively few presents, Samuel got more toys and books than we'll ever know what to do with! We're lucky to have so many sweet family members and friends who send things to our cute boy. Eric and I just got him a bouncy ball and some rubber blocks, then "santa" filled his stocking with new pacifiers and puffs and yogurt melts.... you know, all that good baby stuff! 

I know it's silly, but I think this was my favorite Christmas present: 

Samuel "made" it at preschool. I thought it was really sweet, though, because how often does someone give me a picture of my child that I haven't seen? Um, pretty much never! I admit it, I teared up a little. 

Now that Samuel is 11 months, I'm starting to (slowly) work towards weaning him. It's a little sad for me, but I know it needs to be done. He's definitely ready enough. The kid eats like a hoss. You should have seen him when Eric's family was here... We went out for almost every meal, and he would pretty much eat the whole time. Bread, chips, broccoli, chicken, steak (I gave him a little of my filet mignon at Firebirds one night. Spoiled kid! haha), sweet potato fries, muffins, tilapia, fruit, sandwiches. He pretty much got a little bit of what everyone else was eating. I can't believe he didn't gain 5 pounds that week! 

Anyway, I cut out his after-morning-nap feeding last week and replaced it with a sippy cup of milk that's about half of what he usually eats and then I'm giving him a snack then too. I'm going to wait an extra week and then probably cut out his post-afternoon-nap feeding. I'm hoping to start mixing his sippy cups with cows milk the next week and have him drinking a cup a day of that by his birthday. I don't have any specific plans on when to be done altogether, but I want to be down to two feedings sometime in February and then I can just figure the rest out from there. It's so crazy to be almost done nursing when it's pretty much governed my life for the last year!

What else do I need to remember about this age? Besides being a champion eater, Samuel's also a pretty good little sleeper. He had a rough night or two over the holidays, but that might be attributed to his new teeth (one on top, another on bottom) or the crazy amount of food he ate. 95% of the time he sleeps through the night and takes a good afternoon nap. Morning naps are still hit and miss, but I'm okay with that.

Oh, we did go have an extra check up last month to check his measurements (mainly to make sure his tiny little head is growing). Despite the fact that it seems his fontanel has closed a little early, he is still growing proportionally, so we don't have to do anything else. He was about 30" long (well, 29 3/4", but considering how wiggly he is, I"ll give him the quarter inch!) and 20 lbs 13 oz, almost a pound more than 5 weeks prior. I think my growth spurt theory was pretty accurate!

Baby boy has been much more cuddly the last few weeks for some reason. He's learned that if he reaches his arms up, we will pick him up. He likes that. A LOT. He's not great at being still, but he loves to climb all over us. He also gets really sad when someone leaves the room, which is pretty endearing (though frustrating at times).

His current favorite foods are blackberries, blueberries, and bananas. He's also pretty fond of cheese quesadillas. 

Other fun things: He gets pretty stoked about swinging at the park. He's obsessed with the Foot Book (like brings it to us to read multiple times a day!. And he love love loves to dance! 

I guess this is long enough, but I can't say enough about how much we love this sweet, crazy boy! He definitely brightens our world. :-) 

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