Tuesday, August 6, 2013

6 Months

So it's totally crazy to me that Samuel is 6 months old already! In a way it makes total sense... I mean, this has seriously been the busiest 6 months of our lives, so it definitely feels like 6 months worth of stuff has happened. Still, I can't believe that teeny tiny little baby we brought home from the hospital is now sitting and playing and yelling and babbling. It's just crazy how quickly babies change!

This month, well, okay, really the last two weeks, have brought about some big changes! Samuel has started sitting on his own pretty much all the time, using a high chair, eating solid foods (our half-birthday celebration: rice cereal. Not quite as tasty as cake, I'm guessing) and teething.

Most of that I was ready for, but the teeth really caught me off-guard. Eric and I both teethed really late (like 9 months to a year), and we just assumed that Samuel would follow suit. So when the pediatrician told me last Wednesday that she thought he was going to get teeth soon, I was kind of surprised. And I was even more surprised when he had one that night (his bottom right tooth). I'm pretty sure his other bottom one is going to come in any day... or more like any hour now... he's been SO fussy the last two days! It's really crazy that my little boy has teeth though. Hopefully it won't interfere with his eating!

As far as solids go, Samuel is doing really really well. He took to eating almost immediately, probably because he's been watching us for so long! haha. He usually opens his mouth really well and will eat 1-2 oz. at a time. So far I've given him rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas and apples, and I plan on giving him some acorn squash tomorrow. I made several other purees last week and stored them in the freezer, so we should be good to go for a little while! (I also bought some prunes because I have NO desire to puree prunes. Ew.)
(We have a better video that's actually of his first bite, but for some reason it wouldn't load!)

Samuel is still really into happily screaming and spitting right now (like literally RIGHT NOW). He "talks" a lot, though he hasn't started babbling the same syllable over and over yet. He goes crazy in his exersaucer and loves his playmat and other various toys. He is also obsessed with light fixtures of any kind and with feet (gross). He gets distracted suuupper easily, but I guess I can't blame him. The world's a pretty interesting place, especially when you're 6 months old!

These days Samuel is pretty regularly sleeping from 8-7. Granted, when I say "sleeping," I mean in his crib. He usually wakes up between 6 and 6:30, but we have a little toy bear that we leave in his crib, and he is usually pretty content to play and stay put until I come get him. (I probably wouldn't mind getting him up earlier than 7 right now, but I know that when fall/winter come and it's dark until 8, I am NOT going to be cool with waking up 2 hours before the sun.)

Anyway, he definitely has his moments, but, overall, Samuel is a really happy, friendly, funny kid! I'm sooo grateful for his great disposition and sweet smile! These have been a great 6 months. I can't wait to see what the next 6 bring (crawling? walking? talking? yikes!!)

1 comment:

  1. Such a cutie. I love his smile. Be careful with the prunes! They really, um, loosen things up.
