Monday, July 1, 2013

Only 51 Weeks to Go...

So we survived the first week of Eric's intern year!

Really, it hasn't been that bad. It has definitely been a big adjustment for all of us though.

I've been super spoiled to have Eric at home a LOT since Samuel's been born. Until last week, I've pretty much been able to go where ever I want and leave Samuel with him, only having to worry about being back for feedings. That's a pretty big difference from pretty much being his sole caretaker. Now Eric only gets to see him for about 20 minutes before bedtime. Bummer.

Eric's had the luxury of sleeping in and basically hanging out and doing a few chores with me every day for the last few months. Now he has to wake up at 5 and work 13-14 hours days. Every. Day. That part stinks.

The good things are:
1) Eric likes what he is doing. It's a LOT of work, but he's busy, and he's making a difference. That's why he went into medicine, right?
2) I love my sweet boy to pieces, and am pretty good at keeping myself busy. We've been to the gym every day and usually have done at least one other outing to go shopping or hang out with someone.
3) I like to cook and have dinner ready, which gives me something to do in the evenings and, of course, works out great for Eric!

I'm sure the long hours are going to wear on both of us this year. Luckily, we think this rotation is about as hard as it's going to get, so we should be pleasantly surprised once he has a clinic month in September.

Anyway, on a related but separate note, in my effort to keep myself busy, I've been trying to do so with things that will improve myself and my little world around me rather than just watch tv or play games. Other than a couple of months when I was job-less, I've never really purposely stayed at home before. It's pretty weird for me.

I've never been really great at stuff like keeping the house tidy or deep-cleaning. We've always just been "pick up a couple of things at night and do a good (30-minute) cleaning on Saturday" people. Now I can actually do stuff like vacuum more than once or twice a month and wash my windows and water my hanging baskets (oh, wait, forgot to do that. Whoops!).

I'm also trying to expand my horizons workout-wise. I consider myself a runner, but I realized I need to try some new things to work different muscle groups and to keep myself engaged. So I'm trying as many new classes at the gym as I can. It's a little intimidating, but it's been fun, and I've found a few I really like!

I'm also trying to do a better job of buying healthy food that we'll eat. In fact, I've decided that for July, I'm going to try my whole veggie every day challenge again. Granted, I should be doing this anyway. I definitely eat a lot more veggies than I used to, so hopefully it won't be too hard. We'll see!

And of course, I'm trying to find more engaging activities for Samuel. That's a little more challenging since he's still pretty little, but I try to do fun sensory-based activities with him where I can, and I'm hoping to make some cute DIY sensory boards for him soon. I've already found it's really easy to just give him toys because he likes them, and, while there's definitely nothing wrong with that, I don't want to end up living in a toy-crazed home. I'd much rather him have a little less and have to use his imagination to make use of it.

So, all in all, I'm feeling pretty optimistic about intern year. I think I have reasonable expectations. We'll see if that's still the same a month from now!

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