Thursday, May 9, 2013

Running! [Post-Baby]

So this is one of those posts that is really more for my own memory's sake than anything else.

I haven't always been the fittest person, but the last couple of years I have really learned to focus on taking care of my body. I only get one, after all! I've got a long way to go and I definitely cut myself a lot of slack, but I've learned little by little to make healthier eating choices, and I've made exercise a priority.

I was SO thankful when I got pregnant that I was in the best shape of my life thus far. I was even more thankful that I was able to run and exercise through my entire pregnancy. It was tough, and a LOT of days I just wanted to throw in the towel and use pregnancy as an excuse. I might have pushed myself a little too hard, but I was able to run and dance up until the day I went into labor (granted, it was a LOT slower!!).

I should point out that, even with the constant exercise, I still gained ~34 lbs. I may not have looked it, but I was pretty big!

Because I was so fit during pregnancy, I guess I expected that I would be able to bounce back super quickly and be back to my "old self" in a couple of months.

Let me clarify what I mean by that. I didn't have any crazy expectations that I would lose ALL the pregnancy weight right away or that some things wouldn't be different. I felt like I was pretty practical in my expectations, and, in most ways, I was pleasantly surprised. Things didn't change as much as I thought they would.

What I was thinking would come back quickly was my speed & endurance. Running is such a fun sport to me because it's a constant competition with myself. For 9 months, I wasn't really able to push myself, and I was SO excited to get back to my own little personal competition.

The week I found out I was pregnant, I did two "easy" 7-8 mile runs at around an 8:45 pace. At 6 months pregnant, I was still able to run 5-6 miles at around a 10 minute pace. I assumed that, with all that running, it would only take me a couple of months to get back where I was (or at least close to it) speed and distance-wise, and then I could resume my normal routine.


Childbirth was way easier than I expected (thank you, epidural)! And recovery wasn't all that bad either. My body looks amazingly similar to my pre-pregnancy self (except for the 6-7 extra pounds I have that I'm guessing aren't going to come off until I'm done nursing. They're pretty well distributed though). But running again has been SLOW.

 It was four weeks from the day I went into labor until I went back to the Y, about 4 1/2 before I started to jog again. And, despite my high pregnancy fitness level, I am pretty much finding that I am having to train myself all over again.

It took me a week before I was able to run a mile. At 2 months postpartum, I was able to run a slow 2 1/2-3 miles. I did my first 5K the day before Samuel's 3 month birthday. Pre-pregnancy, I could do one in about 24:30. 3 months out, it was 28:30, about 40 seconds faster than the Mistletoe Race that I ran 7 months pregnant. Yesterday I ran 5 miles in just over 50 minutes. So I'm getting there. But it's taking time.

Luckily, I know what I'm doing this time. I know that you can't do long runs at a fast pace right away. I know that I need a combination of distance and speed work. I know that I need rest time. And I know it doesn't happen overnight.

I'm planning to use this summer to train myself. It took me 9 months to get "unfit," so I guess it's reasonable for it to take 9 months to get back. Hopefully this fall I will be ready to kick some race booty.

And next time around I'll know... It just takes a little time. :-)

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