Thursday, January 2, 2014

Visitors from afar...

So I'm behind, and there's definitely plenty of things to catch up on. But this quick post will be dedicated to our fun December full of visitors!

Since my parents have to spend Christmas at home now (my dad's church does a Christmas Eve service and he agreed when he became their pastor to spend the holidays there), my mom decided to come out for five days the week prior. It was super nice to have some extra company while Eric was working long hours! She brought Samuel loads of Christmas gifts, enough that he could open one or two every night. She and I also got to go have tea one morning while Samuel was at preschool. Super fun! Samuel LOVED having his Grammy there to play with him and give him attention. We were sad to see her go, but she and my dad will be coming back later this month for Samuel's birthday.

After spending Christmas as a family of 3, Eric's parents and sister drove out to spend five days with us over New Year's. Once again, Samuel had a blast (as did we!). He just ate up all the attention he got. Of course he got about a million more presents too -- his favorite of which was a plastic cup. Crazy kid! We shopped and ate a TON all week, and watched a good number of Cheers episodes too. We spent New Years Eve playing Phase 10 and eating way too many apps from Trader Joe's. We also spent a lot of time lounging around, but what's vacation for, right? 

Every single one of those presents was for Samuel. And that was after he opened a few!

(Eric's sister came too, btw, she just wasn't too up for holding a wiggly baby). 

Eric and I are so blessed to have such great families. I'm grateful that Samuel has such sweet, loving grandparents! It's hard to live so far away, but we are able to talk and see each other so much more than would have been possible even 10 or 15 years ago, and for that I am SO thankful! 

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