Monday, July 1, 2013

My Crazy 5-Month Old

Oh, how I love this sweet, crazy little guy!

At 5 months, Samuel weighs approximately 16 1/2 lbs, and is around 27" long (my measurements, so who knows how accurate they are!!)

He loves to play in his exersaucer (great secondhand purchase!), to roll everywhere, and to yell for fun.
He grabs everything he wants, including FACES (yikes!).
He smiles and laughs when we sing to him, tickle his neck, make him "fly," or hold him upside down.
He's learning how to sit by himself, though he hasn't quite mastered the art yet.

He's generally a happy, content baby. Every time we leave him ANYWHERE (church, the Y, friends houses, etc.), we are told how fun and sweet he is. If I take him to the store, he smiles and flirts with everyone. He loves people and loves attention!

Samuel definitely has had some struggles the last month sleep-wise. He's doing a lot better, though. He's still waking up a little at night, but is contentedly talking to himself until he falls back asleep instead of crying for us. Now if he would only do the same at nap time! (He's also learned the fine art of reaching his arms up and poking his lip out with a single tear rolling down his cheek... try closing the door on that sad face!)

He is also starting to get a lot more hair on top. It's kind of hard to tell since a lot of it is blondish, but he's got a little mohawk-type thing going on right now. It's pretty stinkin' cute.

Unfortunately, Samuel is still spitting up a lot, though I think it may be getting a little better. That may just be me being overly optimistic though. Because of his crazy amount of spit up, we've decided to hold off another month on letting Samuel try solid foods (and because we like the fact that he only poops twice a week. Not looking forward to THAT changing!)

It's kind of hard as he is SUPER interested in food now. He watches really intently when we eat and makes chewing motions, and occasionally reaches for our food. In fact, last night he grabbed a big handful of my paella when I wasn't looking... Thankfully, Eric caught him in time! So it might be a fun month. I think it's the right decision though. Eric is off on his 6 month birthday, so we thought that would be a good time to start. I feel like once he starts eating and crawling, my life will REALLY never be the same!

Here's a few weekly photos from this last month and a few others I like, including some that I didn't want to post on facebook because he's in his diaper (and Eric is pretty anti-diaper pictures. But let's face it - he's super adorbs!!) <3 p="">

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