Sunday, May 17, 2015

From the Mouths of Babes (Okay, just one babe).

I've been trying to write down the cute things that Samuel says and does lately. I haven't been super successful. I do have a few things though. I'm afraid part of the problem is that I just don't realize some of the cute things he does until he stops doing them.

For instance, my friend Mary Claire pointed out a few weeks ago that he calls cookies "tookies." She and her husband thought that was HILARIOUS. I was totally oblivious! And now his hard "c" sound has developed a lot in the last few weeks, and he's not even doing it anymore. It's kind of a bummer.

Anyway, here are some of my favorite things Samuel does right now:

He LOVES to sing to himself,often songs I'm unfamiliar with that he's either
a) made up,
b) learned at preschool or
c) heard on the cd that plays at the Y.
Last night Eric and I spent most of dinner trying to figure out what in the world he was singing. It sounded like a song about a bunny, but then he started screaming, "fire! fire! fire! fire!" in the middle. We finally figured it out it was:

Something's burning! Something's burning!
Watch out! Watch out!
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Pour the Water! Pour the Water!


He also told me one day that Barney is a dinosaur. He learned that at preschool. I asked his teachers. They did listen to a Barney soundtrack one day. I thought it was crazy that he remembered that!

Other favorites are the alphabet, the "months of the year" song, "Jesus Loves Me," B-I-N-G-O and the Bob the Builder Theme Song.

Thoughts on Family
We've been discussing a lot lately about how Samuel is a boy, mommy's a girl, etc. etc. When asked about daddy, though, he informed me, "Daddy a MAN!"

Glad we're clear. ;-)

Also, "Mommy, you a bear. I a lion. You grr. I ROAR!!!"

I asked him one day how old everyone in our family was. "Seem-yule 2, Daddy 3, Mommy 21!"

I don't know whether to be honored or offended.

Also, Samuel typically gives me a big hug every morning when I go get him from his room. Eric had a nice month in April where he didn't go to work until 8, so he and Samuel got to see each other every morning. By the end of the month, I'd walk into his room and he would run past me and say, "No hug mommy! HUG DADDDY!!!"

I probably should be offended by that one, but, let's be for real, it was just too darn cute!

Sassiness and Such
Or whatever the boy version of sassiness is. Let it be known this does not work on us one bit. But it IS funny. ;-)

We are constantly getting told, "Hey! You come back hee-uh!"

His favorite response to questions: "Of course."

His favorite question: "Whah-chyoo doin hee-uh?"

And, of course, "Seem-yul duh boss." Nope, sorry kid.

"Mommy, I hungry. You go get food?" Sometimes he asks (demands?) this when there is food in his mouth/hand.

And, my favorite, "You give kisses! More hugs! More noses! More eyes! (he likes us to put our foreheads together -- I don't know where he got that from!!)" He usually wins on that one (except when he's just really fighting bedtime. ;-)


Samuel is all about collecting rocks and sticks right now. It's not uncommon for us to bring 5+ of each home anytime we go on a walk/go to the playground. And that's just what I allow. He'd bring the whole park back if I let him.  REALLY big sticks get held over his head and called, "umbrellas."

We're into wearing sandals a lot now since it's warm out. He sometimes calls them sandals, but, when he gets lazy, he just calls them his, "toodles."

We love to go. Sometimes Samuel wants to skip a step and he just comes out of his room in the morning with his shoes on over his PJs. Too bad we can't all run around like that.

Other Cute Things

We also have a lot of bumble bees around our house these days. They are affectionately known as, "buzzy bees." Always.

Samuel LOVES his little toy dog that sings and plays music. One night, I went to go tuck him in, and he said, "Mommy, duh dog need new batte-wees please!!" How can I say no to that one?

He's also getting really interactive with our cat (much to the cat's dismay). He's always tattling on the cat to me, ("He on duh cown-tuh mommy!") or running up to him and saying, "Connuh! Wha you do-in? You wants to play with me?"

Of course, everything is also "mines" right now. Particularly Eric's brown recliner. We mostly let him sit there, but every now and then he just doesn't get his way. Like earlier this week when I was in the chair. He said, "I sit in mommy's lap?" Well, of course. Then he started kicking me a little. I told him he needed to get down if he was going to kick. He said, "Or mommy move to couch."


Samuel is an amazing counter. He can easily count to 30 without help and we've gotten as high as 75 with him asking me for help at 40/50/60 etc. (He just got bored or I think he would have gone to 100). He gets the concept, though. Now he's really into counting backwards, except for some reason he always skips 7. "10, 9, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." His 13 also sounds a lot like 15. I'm not correcting him any time soon. ;-)

Okay, one last story and I'm done. I just know it will probably be 2 more months before I get any of this down.

I got Samuel these cute PJs with bugs all over them. He was really excited about them, so we wore them the first night we took them home. About 30 minutes after I put him to bed, he started crying and would NOT stop. I went in to check on him and asked him what was wrong. He said, "Mommy! THE BUGS!!! NO MORE BUGS!!" Haha. Poor baby. We changed jammies and he went right to sleep. So now I guess I'll be selling those brand new PJs...

There's probably still a ton I'm forgetting. He's just growing so stinkin fast! He says and does so much now I often forget things soon after they happen. Anyway, at least I'm getting something down. I know I'll be grateful later on!

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