Friday, February 14, 2014

Samuel is 1! (Part 1)

I've tried to write this a few different times, and each time have run out of time/energy. Our house has been sick and snowed in and full of visitors, so I figure the best way to do this is to just jot what I can when I can... otherwise this sweet boy's first birthday will never get documented!

At one year old, Samuel...

- is 30 1/2" tall (75th percentile)
- weighs 20 1/2 lbs (35th percentile -- he actually is probably around 22, but he'd lost quite a bit of weight from the stomach bug the week we went to the dr. I've been stuffing him full of food since then!)
- still has a teeny little 17 1/2" head (15th percentile)
- sleeps from 8-7:15/7:30 and usually takes two 1-2 hours naps, though the morning one is kind of hit and miss.
- runs around like crazy!
- says mama, dada, yes, uh-oh (I think??) and, most recently, sings e-i-e-i-o (not all of these are discriminate, mind you). He also babbles to us ALL the time! I wish I knew what he was saying!
- has 6 teeth... he's been working on one of his top ones for FOREVER. Like 2 months. One day it will surprise us and actually break through!
- goes through an average of 4-5 diapers a day (sorry, gross, but I might want to remember that for future kids!)
- loves to stack and put things in other things (i.e. blocks into a box, etc.) We never know where we are going to find things hidden! Eric's keys are probably in one of my shoes right now.
- eats 4-5 meals a day and nurses once (I finally cut out the morning feeding this week!). He loves just about anything we put in front of him and often eats almost as much as I do!!
- drinks from a sippy cup and cups with straws (though there is still some serious backwash going on there. I would not suggest sharing with him!)
- is suddenly very cuddly! Maybe it's because he's been sick or because we're not nursing much any more (he had a harder time with that than I expected!), but he is really into being in my lap right now.
-  likes going to the park: this little daredevil likes going to the BIG KIDS play area and climbing up to the top (6+ feet!) and trying to go down the slide. Yikes!
- has started watching (a limited amount of) tv the last couple of weeks - mainly just Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. He loves to dance to the music! (He also loves the intro to The Office and The Big Bang Theory :)
- really likes animals. He's gotten super into his books with baby animals in them and brings them to me constantly (when he's not bringing me The Foot Book - his REAL favorite!)
- is obsessed with the toilet. But he is a boy, so I'm not that surprised.
- brushes his teeth every night. Super cute!
- sleeps with his teddy and his pacifier (in fact, we used some of his birthday money to buy a second teddy for back up!).
- points at what he wants, though sometimes he just points for fun, so I'm not always sure about what he means.
- throws a tantrum like a two year old. This kid knows what he wants!
- can go up the stairs and is working on going down them... he can do it, but sometimes gets a little too excited and forgets to go slow!
- loves balloons and bouncy balls and taking all of his dishes out of the cabinet.

I'm sure there is a lot more I should say... but I'll just have to catch up later. :-) So thankful for my sweet, crazy, lovable little one year old!

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