Friday, December 6, 2013

10 Months (And Walking)

So I officially have a toddler now. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'm really excited that baby boy is starting to walk, but I'm also really sad to see my sweet teeny baby go, especially since he's toddling so young!

Samuel turned 10 months old on Thanksgiving. Two days prior, he decided to take a little step while we were face timing with my MIL. The next day, three or four steps. By the time Thanksgiving morning rolled around, he decided it was time to go big time. I had a few girls over to visit and watch the parade since doctor-hubbies are stuck at work on holidays. I looked into the kitchen where the kids were playing, and there's my child, walking toward me. What?!? He walked from the doorway almost to the end of our dining table, so probably a good 6-8 feet on his own. Everyone probably thought I was crazy when I got up and started screaming like a nut! He was SO proud of himself. I loved loved loved seeing him so happy.

He's been practicing a LOT since then, usually taking around 5-10 steps at a time. He likes to walk until there's something he REALLY wants (the cat, perhaps?). Then he just crawls away since it's way faster. He has gotten WAY better at standing alone, sometimes standing for 2-3 minutes playing with a toy until he decides to walk or just get down. I'm constantly amazed that this is the same kid who six months ago couldn't even roll over.

I'm pretty sure he had a growth spurt of sorts last week as well. Friday through Monday he would not. stop. eating. He still nursed five times a day like always (one being a bottle), but he ate for almost twice as long every time. He went cray cray on some solids. We went to eat japanese food on Sunday, and I'm pretty sure he ate more of my hibachi chicken than I did. Thanksgiving leftovers? Yeah, those mostly went to Samuel. And suddenly I noticed he felt heavier. And he couldn't fit under the table anymore (his favorite place to practice walking). I don't know if kids normally have a 10 month growth spurt, but this one definitely did!

Anyway, outside of our most exciting 10-month development, Samuel is still doing really well. He has crazy amounts of energy, but I guess that's normal (especially considering his gene pool. Haha). He sleeps like a champ. We usually try to do two naps a day, but occasionally our busy-ness pushes us down to just one. He usually recoups the next day though with an extra hour or so.

We STILL have no new teeth to speak of. It's been four months since he got his first two. The doctor seemed relatively unconcerned since E and I were both late-teethers. Still, it's a little weird, especially since he's a toothless walker. Haha.

Samuel's getting really good at playing ball with us. Occasionally he'll still just bring the ball to us instead of rolling it, but he's getting the hang of it. He loves to flip his lip and make silly noises. He talks to himself (or us?) constantly, though we have yet to be able to decipher anything. I do think his "ma ma ma" may mean "more more more" in some instances, but I could be totally off there. I try to do sign language with him, but so far he hasn't responded to any of it. I'm going to keep trying though!

Really I think the only issues we've had with Samuel lately is just his temper tantrums. He does NOT like it if we're eating and he's not, and he lets us know it. (This includes when the food is GONE, btw). He also knows how to throw a pretty good fit if I take something away from him. He's even (unintentionally) scratched me several times and left some bruises with some headbutting. This kid knows his mind, that's for sure. I'm still a little lost on what to do in those situations since he's still so young. So far I've just been saying no and telling him that's not nice and sticking to my guns about my decisions. I don't know if I'm really ready to be a toddler mom though.

Despite the occasional tantrums, Samuel is overall an extremely happy, fun, independent kid. He loves other people but is happy to play alone. He always seems to act like a dream baby when he stays with anyone else. And, really, the majority of the time he's an amazing baby for us too (though I definitely am NOT ready for another one yet)! I've been so blessed with his easy-going nature. I just hope I'll have the wisdom to parent him well
now that the real work is beginning!

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