Friday, April 2, 2010

It's the little things...

It's been more than 9 months now since Eric and I moved to North Carolina. The adjustment from being college students surrounded by friends and family to "professionals" (if that's what you call us) has certainly been an interesting one. I know that, for me, it's been a time of growth mentally and spiritually. After all, my life is completely different than it was just a year ago.

One good change I have noted in myself lately has been a greater appreciation for the littler things in life. Maybe this just stems out of my boredom with the mundane everyday routine, I don't know... but I now get genuinely excited when I find a good deal on groceries, when the library gets new movies in, when I'm able to trade in five old books for one new season of Scrubs, or when it's actually cold enough to build a fire in our fireplace (okay, so really I'm just excited we even have a fireplace).

Today I feel like a small victory was won... ever since we moved, I have avoided purchasing curtains for our bedroom window. For some reason, as much as I have wanted to buy them, I have not been able to make myself splurge on something insignificant that only Eric and I are going to be able to enjoy. After all, curtains are ridiculously expensive, and you usually have to buy two separate panels, only adding to the cost; additionally, finding curtains that actually match our decor is an entire issue in itself.

Well, as the picture shows, I am glad I waited. On a quick trip to Bed Bath & Beyond today, I noticed a clearance aisle in the curtain section... and, lo and behold, there were lovely, silver curtains that were only a shade darker than the silver in our bedspread. They were normally $60, but were on sale for $10... that's right, ten measly dollars. And, not only were they $10, but the package included 2 panels, not one; and I had a 20% off coupon. So now, my home decoration is pretty much complete; and I have been walking on sunshine all evening.

I guess it really is the little things that make a difference. :-)

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