Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Most of our days around here are pretty seemingly mundane. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I get to spend so much time with my boy. But I'm usually looking for stuff to mix it up.

Today, however, Samuel decided to mix it up for us!

After morning nap (and poop), we went to a new playgroup. We were just sitting around in the grass and letting the babies lay on blankets when my baby decided he wanted to get up on his hands and knees and start rocking! What?!?!?!

I thought maybe it was a fluke, but he did it again when we got home. Then I held him in a standing position, and he grabbed the coffee table and decided he would just hold himself up! Well then.

So we went down for afternoon nap, and he woke up two hours later crying. Covered. In. Spit Up. And of course he had prunes this morning, so it was a nice purple color. On his face, his hair, his clothes.

So I gave him a bath, which I only do like once a week (I usually just wipe him down at night). And, in our fresh new clothes, the prunes decided to work their magic and we had a poop disaster that rivaled his newborn days. It definitely was one of the top 10 so far.

So we got MORE new clothes on and we went to the Y.

When I picked him up from the Y child care, he was wearing -- NOT his clothes. Apparently he peed through his third set of clothes for the day and, after his extra set got used at church on Sunday, I had forgotten to replace them. So he was wearing a 4-year-old's shirt and his diaper. Nice. Ruined my plans to go to the grocery store, for sure! LoL.

They also said he did his rocking thing some more.

So now my child is playing in our living room, mostly naked. There's still an hour left before he goes to bed... Wonder what else he'll come up with? :-)

Fun times!

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