Monday, September 21, 2015

Baby Yates #2!

So, since finding out I was pregnant, I've done basically nothing except the bare minimum - eating, sleeping, making sure my kids was alive. I've been thinking for weeks that I need to do a post about Samuel at 2 1/2. It will come soon, I'm sure. For now, I've been soaking in the fact that we are going to have another baby in a few short months! SO exciting!

Because I made a separate blog for Samuel and because I like things to be neat and tidy, I've made a separate space for this little peanut as well. Feel free to follow at:
A word of warning, it's more for my own memory, so there may be a little more info than you want to read, haha. But I'll try to post pictures and such too!

And, just for comparison, here's a link to Samuel's little baby blog too. It's been SO nice to have this the last few months to remember what was happening when!

Anyway, more coming soon. Eventually. :-)